Content rich in concepts, principles and information that promote the values of tolerance, coexistence, respect for cultural pluralism and acceptance of the other on the one hand, and rejection of violence, extremism, hatred, intolerance, discrimination and racism on the other hand.
This young boy is busy finding solutions for everyday little people's problems. His story encourages discovery and thinking. You'd wish his inventions existed!
سننطلق في هذا الكتاب الجميل
مع فتاة رقيقة لرحلة في ممر سري
بين القصص والمخطوطات
ورائحة الكتب والذكريات
"..فكما تقول الفتاة: "المكتبة عالم آخر
تكملة الجملة ستعرفونها عند قراءة الكتاب
Hind complained to her mother about her upcoming assignment. She has to write about 'giving' and Hind doesn’t know what it means. What did Hind's mother do?What did she give her?And what is the giving game?
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Cinderella, The Sleeping Beauty, Snow White… who created these characters?How did he create the first character?How did he fulfill his dreams?