Ammar went on an unplanned outing with his father. He enjoyed his time so much that he wrote its details in his diary. Read on to find out about the fun Ammar had!
سننطلق في هذا الكتاب الجميل
مع فتاة رقيقة لرحلة في ممر سري
بين القصص والمخطوطات
ورائحة الكتب والذكريات
"..فكما تقول الفتاة: "المكتبة عالم آخر
تكملة الجملة ستعرفونها عند قراءة الكتاب
يعالج الكِتاب مشكلة الخجلِ
وهي مشكلة يعاني منها الكثير من الأطفال
كما عانى منها أَحمد بطل حكايتنا
تعرف على أحمد ومشكلته
وكيف تغلب عليها؟
قصة ملهمة ستساعد الكثير من الصغارِ
الذين يشبهون أحمد
The Magic Ribbons
What secrets does this Kajooja hold?
And where did the silver and gold ribbons come from?
Written by: Nadia Al Najjar
Illustrations: Sura Ghazwan
Salma loves her animal friends and spends a lot of time playing with them. One day they cause trouble, so Salma's parents ask that all animals leave the house. What will Salma do to keep her friends closeby?
Porcupine and Mouse are neighbors and best friends. They do things together and go everywhere together. That is, until the new neighbor moves in. Does their friendship change?